Transactional & Litigation Services

  • Contract Disputes/Litigation

    Unfortunately, contract disputes arise frequently. Our attorneys are prepared to engage in aggressive negotiations to assert or defend our clients’ rights. In the event that negotiations cannot reach an amicable resolution to the dispute, our attorneys possess the skills necessary to pursue litigation in the appropriate court.

  • Employment Matters

    Our attorneys have extensive experience in employment law. We can assist our clients directly, or in conjunction with their human resource department, to develop and implement employment law policies and procedures. Our firm provides counsel and legal representation for our clients in defense of any employment related allegations, such as claims filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Georgia Department of Labor. If necessary, we can provide litigation related services for employment law claims.

  • Drafting and Enforcement of non-compete agreements

    Georgia law permits restrictions on trade through non-compete agreements. Our attorneys are skilled in drafting covenants not to compete that meet the specific legal requirements for enforceability. We are also prepared to protect our client’s interests through legal action to enforce the terms of any valid non-compete agreement.

  • Negotiation and Drafting of Contracts

    A contract governs every business relationship. Not all contracts need to be in writing to be enforceable. When the contract is not in writing, or not thorough in its terms, problems are more likely to arise. Our attorneys are prepared to assist our clients in drafting contracts to cover every business need. We listen to the needs and expectations of our clients and draft contracts that clearly define such. Our primary goal in contract negotiation and drafting is to ensure our clients’ interests are protected.

  • Entity Formation including Corporations, LLC’s and partnerships

    Our attorneys possess an in-depth knowledge regarding the different types of business entities available in Georgia, i.e. Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Professional Corporation, General Partnership, Limited Partnership, etc…. We identify the benefits and potential risks of each available entity in an effort to help our clients make the right choice for their needs. Our firm can prepare and file all necessary paperwork to create the entity chosen by our clients, including but not limited to articles of incorporation, articles of organization, by laws, Our attorneys are also available to draft the necessary documents to define the organization, management, operation, and ownership of the chosen entity.

  • Mergers and Dissolutions

    Our attorneys are skilled in negotiating and drafting agreements governing the merger of two or more businesses. We can also negotiate and prepare the documents necessary to acquire new business expansion opportunities. When a business relationship has reached its end, our attorneys can assist in the negotiation and drafting of necessary documents for its dissolution.

  • Defamation Claims

    In the digital age, businesses and individuals can find themselves the victims of defamatory statements at an alarming rate. The anonymity of the internet coupled with its rampant accessibility has created the perfect storm for defamation claims. Our attorneys are skilled in identifying information regarding anonymous posters and pursuing Court orders demanding the removal of defamatory content.

  • Collections/Loss Mitigation

    Unfortunately, not all customers honor their business obligations. Our team is available to develop internal policies and procedures to help you engage in compliant and effective debt collection and loss mitigation. In the event our client’s internal efforts fail to achieve results, our attorneys are prepared to make formal legal demands, conduct aggressive negotiations or, when necessary, engage in collection related litigation.

  • Post-Judgment Collection

    After a judgment has been obtained, creditors often find themselves in need of legal services to collect on their judgment. Our attorneys have extensive experience in all aspects of post judgment collection. From additional discovery to uncover assets to the garnishment and/or levy on the debtor’s assets, Richard C. Wayne and Associates can assist you.

  • Property Tax Appeals

    Richard C. Wayne and Associates can provide assistance in filing, negotiating, and/or litigating property tax appeals.

  • General Business Litigation

    Regardless of what our clients’ needs may be, Richard C. Wayne and Associates can provide legal counsel to help achieve them. Our attorneys have years of experience in the business world, both as business owners and lawyers. Our unique perspective helps us offer innovative and effective solutions for our clients. We have the skills to maximize all legal means available to our clients, including litigation.

  • Real Estate Related Litigation

    Our attorneys have extensive experience in all aspects of real estate litigation. While the initial approach may not be to engage in litigation, we are prepared to take all steps necessary to protect and defend the property rights of our clients.